Thursday, March 9, 2017

Truth of Thought

Creation is only thought, 
 Molded into form, 
 Taking shape in reality, 
 Through imagination and passion, 
 Just energy impulses in the mind, 
 Yet so much more in the soul, 
 And with energy from the heart, 
 They become something real. 

 For energy is heart,
 Being the emotion of reality, 
 Being the music of all matter, 
 For the physical world is of notes, 
 Things of mass made of energy, 
 What atoms truly are, 
  Composed of mostly empty space, 
 Held together by only love. 

 And now I sit beside the street, 
 On the world once made by God, 
 Near a road of human hands, 
 Filled with people riding wheels, 
 Riding on the dreams of others, 
 Who took mostly empty space, 
 And formed that into cars, 
 Changing our world and life forever. 

 We are just learning of this energy, 
 Scratching the surface of true nature, 
 Which takes nothing away from God, 
 Only taking his full splendor, 
 Shining light on this true glory, 
 Growing closer unto Him,
With our eyes wider in amazement,
 In all we truly have. 

 So with all manner of problems, 
 And tribulations that befall us, 
 We can never stand idle, 
 Once knowing true potential, 
 We can never lose our hope, 
 Against the scope of possibility, 
 For the true meaning of love, 
 Is letting go of fear. 

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