Friday, March 10, 2017

Time Wave

 Gravity waves in space, 
 Once being undetectable, 
 Compressing and stretching reality, 
 Have been impossible to perceive,
 As a two percent stretch of the road, 
 Would be accompanied in hand, 
 By a two percent stretch in one's stride.

 As time is a kindred spirit,
With a nature like gravity and light,
 Such waves may come and go, 
 As days seem longer or shorter, 
 As there is no rhyme or reason, 
  In how currents are felt in this river, 
 Who's flow is purely illusion. 

 For there is no meaning to time, 
 In the things not subject to change, 
 Which is why we look into the eyes, 
 Of the soulmate standing beside us, 
 Faintly conscious of the passing of years, 
 Unable to see its presence, 
 Except in astonishing pictures of the past. 

 Outside of this bending of image, 
 Stands God unyielding to time, 
 With our pasts and futures before him, 
 Like photos upon the same table, 
 Seeing our free will choices tomorrow, 
 Before we encounter that sunrise, 
 Within this movie screen of change. 

 As energy pushes upon energy, 
 Strong gravity affects the course of time, 
 As does the energy of love, 
 Which binds two souls together, 
 Making each moment become a universe, 
 A timeless expense of joy, 
 Lost in each other's hearts. 

 When the wave of love becomes infinite, 
  Life force burst forth from God's heart, 
 Our spirits will be perfected, 
 Within reality made perfect in peace, 
 The time wave slows to a stop,
  As what we pictured in love becomes real, 
 The purpose of the heart fulfilled. 

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