Friday, December 27, 2013

Creatures of the Abstract

What is energy?
How do we define it?
Merely physical,
In forms of power?
Or with action,
In the things we do?
For a thought comes,
It is upon my heart,
I feel potential energy,
And then I write,
Yet when I write,
The energy leaves me,
Going into the world,
And other hearts.
There it remains,
In some dormant,
In others inspirational,
In some misunderstood,
Yet the inspired ones,
Led to their choices,
Lead unto action,
Multiplying energy,
Into the joy of life.
So energy realized,
Is all around us,
In the birds that fly,
And the things we do,
While potential energy,
Is reality realized,
When feelings convey,
To other hearts.
This is the energy,
That takes ideas,
From imagination,
Into real life,
Our magic of creation,
Our hearts' revelation,
Becoming fact,
Yet with distraction,
Hindering our action,
Are we become creatures,
Of the abstract?

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Chase - In Memory of Tim Samaras

I wrote this piece after reading National Geographic's recent article about the work of Tim Samaras.  I sent this to National Geographic with my thanks for their writing and they responded with sincere appreciation for my words.  This poem is in honor of him, his son Paul, and friend Carl who were fellow researchers involved in Tim's "Twistex" organization.  They died studying the largest tornado ever recorded which occurred May 31, 2013 near El Reno, OK.  This wildly unpredictable twister swelled to over 2.6 miles in diameter and changed directions overtaking their car.  This video is from that tornado, but from an unknown source.  I have placed it here as it was the best example of the tornado I could find capturing its unpredictable strength, behavior, and violence.

Life and death converge,

Between Heaven’s tears, 

And the fury of Hell, 

While Earth shudders, 

Before a dark terror, 

A screaming howl, 

Without a voice, 

Shredding the land, 

And shredding the mind, 

With fear before it, 

And nothing behind, 

Yet fear confronted, 

Is mystery confounded, 

For he stood in its path, 

To gain understanding, 

He stood in its wrath, 

To learn the answer, 

He ran towards danger, 

To push us to safety, 

Confronting death, 

To give us life.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Cold Light

I had a dream about an episode of Miami Vice called "A Bullet for Crocket" where I heard an unusual song by Peter Gabriel.  Recently Neflix made the series available and I saw the episode for the first time in years.  The song does not exist.  I dreamed it.  You can check.  Here are the words I remember. 

Cover me beneath the cold night,
Comfort me within the cold light,
Blinded by pain I can not see,
I search for your hand to be free.

I lost my way within my fears,
On a lonely road paved by tears,
The light ahead will see me through,
My only hope is finding you.

Trial of fire shredded resolve,
Against problems I could not solve,
Surrounded by spears on all sides,
Without defense or hope I cannot hide.

Within the forest of bad dreams,
I try to hear your voice through screams,
Holding my heart to what is true,
My salvation and hope is in you.

Awaking to your sound I see light,
Stirring to your voice I begin to fight,
With truth in your eyes I now can see,
The strength of truth you found in me.

The fog of fear departs from me,
I know the truth of what must be,
Finding the strength it takes to heal,
For in your heart I know love is real.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Thought About Death

Speaking with someone close this morning I heard quite a bit about how many people have died just this year.  It seems cancer or other things have taken an unusual toll, and I would not be surprised if people reading this would agree with their own personal examples.

Here is how I responded:

A story is a wonderful thing.

When you are finished reading it, the book does not vanish.

When you have finished the last word, you do not instantly forget the story.

It becomes part of you and all that you do.

If this is true with stories, how much more with human souls?  People we have lost live on through our hearts.  This is a shadowy reflection of a truth concerning how souls live on in eternity.  How could we still feel the pull of the bond of love if there was nothing tied to the other end?  Paul was so right in scripture on how there is great hope and comfort in understanding this, but the things I speak of confirm the truth of it.

A seed has short life.  That life must die before it sprouts into a tree.  From the tree comes more seeds of the one and increases that life exponentially.  How much more then will our lives be perfected and increased in Heaven?

Life is beautiful here, but there is more to come!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

An Argument Against The Illusion of Intelligent Design

An Argument Against the Illusion of Intelligent Design
By Eric Visconti

If all things are improbable, then nothing is truly impossible once we understand the probability.   The universe has no boundaries in reference to size, but theoretical physics is being backed by observable science showing it has no foreseeable limit to possibility as well.  Reality once was accepted as solid matter until Einstein resolved matter as being fields of energy.  The power of thought used to conceive and verify such possibility is also a form of energy.  What is possible in reality is becoming accepted to be as unlimited as diverse potential of thought.  Yet how we perceive potential possibility has direct bearing on what we come to discover and understand in reality.

The universe is accepted to have a theoretical beginning and our power to observe evidence of that has greatly increased with modern technology.  The Big Bang Theory proposes a condensation of matter led to a tremendous explosion after which the forces of gravity led to the formation of stars and galaxies we observe today.  Such galaxies are flying further apart and gaining speed traveling away from the universal center towards no observable boundary though there is background radiation which is thought to be remnants of the original “big bang”.    Size only has meaning when there are measurable boundaries or definable edges with observation.  Observational science shows evidence of inflationary cosmology, or the rapid early expansion of the universe.  This observable inflation supports mathematical evidence that our universe is only an incredibly small part of system far beyond our comprehension of size.  This larger system is becoming known as the Mulitverse, or The Cosmic Landscape. 

The concept of the Cosmic Landscape (Suskind, 2006) literally refers to all of the space which theory allows rather than a literal physical place.  Reality was once perceived as having 3 dimensions until time was considered to be a fourth.  Then mathematical theory gave equations that appear to verify the existence of 10 dimensions.  With the Cosmic Landscape there are over 500 according to Suskind.  Why is this important where it comes to the argument for or against Intelligent Design?  It all has to do with the unlikelihood of life existing on Earth due to a number of unusual factors each having balance within a narrow range.  Just consider the small temperature range water must have to support life as one unlikelihood.  There are many, many more.   To see this as accidental has caused many to view the universe as being “designed” for a purpose.   The argument against Intelligent Design is simply this.  Increase the number of universal variables infinitely and you increase the unlikelihood of conditions for life becomes more of a finite probability. 

There are two foreseeable flaws with this argument.  The first is with the concept of expanding probability by infinitely expanding size.  Using this same argument would also allow for the possibility of expanding one’s automobile to the point where an elephant could spontaneously appear inside without the driver being immediately aware of his presence.  This in itself is not foundation for argument either way, but merely an increase of potential which can apply to many things.  The second flaw with this argument is consistency.  It is not entirely impossible to have 500 dimensions in the universe, each with its own set of physical laws.  The problem is using this line of reasoning to state the universe came together in a way to support life here by accident just because we have increased the variables to allow more possibility for this to have happened.  By the same mechanism we have also increased the probability that there is an intelligent designer of the universe, yet unobserved or detected physically.  In order to use this argument in a consistent manner, one would have to concede that it also provides more likelihood for the existence of God.  Will it one day be possible to verify such things by the observation of space?

 Even the space between galaxies is not really empty space.   Space is filled with all kinds of sub atomic particles, which physicists such as Feynman have noted.  Feynman created very simple theoretical diagrams to note how particles interact, such as a positron emitting a photon and becoming an electron.  Such a diagram is simply a line with an angle being the event where the photon is emitted.  A similar diagram would show how a positron and electron can annihilate each other producing a photon.  Multiply this by the infinity of space and you can begin to see how space is full of violent energetic interaction on a subatomic level.  This is a simplistic description of what is known as quantum jitters  (Suskind, 2006). 

There is more to reality than what can be observed in three-dimensional space.  The modern study of String Theory mathematics is showing this to be true.  String Theory points to particles being formed of strings of energy, which can potentially extend across infinite expanses of space.  The theory also shows mathematical evidence pointing to the existence of multiple dimensions as previously noted (Suskind, 2008).   At this point it is important to add back to the picture some of Einstein’s work, which was previously mentioned.  E=MC2 shows that matter equals energy and vice versa  (Einstein, 1920).  Matter is converted into energy in examples common in every day life.  Some laboratory experiments will show that energy actually adds mass to matter.  One example is heating a pot of water that is sealed so no steam can escape.  Very delicate measurements before and after will show that the energy of heat has actually added weight.  With such theory proven true, it becomes necessary to view reality with a different perspective.  The solid floors walked upon in rooms are fields of energy composed of mostly empty space within the structure of each atom.  The solid trees outdoors are actually mostly empty space.  If everything which can be seen is actually fields of energy suspended in a reality with much more than three dimensions, then the theoretical limits of possibility existing in the Cosmic Landscape are truly phenomenal.   This should be appreciated in spite of any differing opinions about who or what is responsible for the astonishing splendor and diversity of Creation itself.

These theories discovered by great physicists of our time have been or will be confirmed in observation through science.  As more theories are created and confirmed through research and observation, more of the astonishing beauty of life can be explored.  Yet there is one thing not found in these theories, which leaves questions that may yet have to be answered. Theoretical physics explores reality through interaction seeing things in a vast continuum where such concepts as size and time appear to have no limit in either direction of measurement.  Yet as this vast system of the megaverse is studied and explored, the component which does not appear to be included is human life itself.   It is apparent that we as interactive intelligent life are not included in these theories explaining the reality in which we exist.  It is very important to think of why the concept of including us must be considered.

Everything in reality is interactive including rocks and trees to varying degrees.  Human beings are interactive to a much higher degree obviously.  As Quantum Theory is considered, interaction is the key of understanding how anything can affect the outcome of everything.  Where Newton left off with a deterministic reality, science had a concept that all events in space and time could be predicted if it were possible to know the position and trajectory of every particle in existence  (Suskind, 2008).  Quantum Theory is a study of probability showing that nothing can be determined absolutely.  Consider the study of sub atomic particles in space.  As each bumps another and interacts, it causes changes in other particles, which then interact with others.  Even observation changes outcome in Quantum Theory. If a particle is hit with enough energy to resolve it and observe it, then it will have changed in some way  (Suskind, 2006).  This becomes clear and observable with events of everyday life in our world. 

Each of our bodies is composed of matter, which Einstein proved is energy  (Einstein, 1920).  All people, as well as animal life, are thinking thoughts, which is another form of energy.  Everyone who is alive is performing some kind of action, which expends energy.  These actions change the environment in some way around anyone, even if it is a simple matter of locating car keys.  And yet we have seen that it only takes a particle to affect and change another particle.  We are so much more than that, and we are intelligent.  If we somehow do not include our presence in these theories about the universe or megaverse, we are implying that we are somehow not a part of the system we are observing.  To say that human beings are not a part of the universe is an absurdity.

Thought would also be a part of the universe, but in ways that appear to be unstudied in modern times.  This is a concept that has been considered in ancient literature.  The writings of Matthew in the Bible record the words of the biblical character Jesus who said that if we commit a sin in our minds we are guilty of committing that sin in life.  That was obviously written to prevent people from doing bad things by encouraging them not to give such notions thought.  Now we must apply the concept to thinking in general.  What is being said is that if any one of us resolves all of the problems of an idea in our minds, there is nothing left to stop us bringing that idea or concept into reality.  That is the process that happened with any cell phone, toaster, car, telescope, or toothpick ever made.  Now let us throw in one last ingredient into what we are considering.  The Holographic Principle touches on Einstein’s discovery as a foundation for seeing all of matter as a three dimensional “images” of energy in space  (Suskind, 2008).  Much of thought, if not all of thought, is nothing less than three dimensional imagery.  How much or how little separates thought from reality when they are both composed of energy?  Perhaps as thought is applied to this concept, studies will uncover new perspectives about the reality in which we live.

It is understood that there is no true way to quantify thought.  Even when we see actions in progress by other intelligent life in our world, we can easily misinterpret the thought behind the action.  This is easy to do with another human being, even when communication is present.  We are not perfect, and nothing in our reality is perfect.  Niels Bohr once said, “Anyone not shocked by Quantum Mechanics has not understood it.” (Bohr, 1987).   As weird as Quantum Mechanics truly is, it is simply the study of probability through interaction in reality.  Thought is the birthplace of interaction in intelligent life, and the limitless nature of thought is only matched by the diversity of the theoretical universe.  Perhaps considering thought and our actual presence in theoretical research of the universe is the next key in understanding it, and why we are here.  Physicists should not fear the concept of the existence of God as being a departure from science, as this does not change the study of how the universe works in the quest for making things previously unseen to be understood.  Theologians should not discredit science as a departure from faith as discovery is impossible without faith, and the understanding of creation can only deepen the appreciation of God.  It would be expected that some may think this notion is crazy.  There is the potential that others will think like Bohr to see if it is “crazy enough to have a chance of being correct.”  (Bohr, 1987).


Bohr, N. (1987). The Philosophical Writings of Neils Bohr. Woodbridge, Connecticut: Ox Bow Press.
Einstein, A. (1920). Relativity: The Special and General Theory. (R. W. Lawson, Trans.) New York, New York: Henry Holt.
Suskind, L. (2008). The Black Hole War: My Battle with Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics. New York, New York: Little, Brown and Company.
Suskind, L. (2006). The Cosmic Landscape. New York, New York: Backbay Books.

Friday, September 27, 2013


So many I know have passed away recently that I feel surrounded by death.  Thinking of that yesterday while waiting for the doors of my work to be opened, I pulled out a notepad and wrote this.  The image is simply titled the first man made anomaly, but the truth of life floating in the backdrop of space is the greatest anomaly and miracle of all.

Life is an anomaly,
Surrounded by death,
A warmth of motion,
In the cold dark of space,
A breath of air,
Within a still vacuum,
Biological energy,
Amidst a sterile expanse,
Many factors in balance,
Too many to contemplate,
In too narrow a range,
Where the slightest variation,
Would end the magic,
Yet the balance continues,
And here we are.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Walk Upon Light

 If everything we create is first imagined, how hard is it to imagine Creation?

It must all begin somewhere,
deep inside the mind.
Impassioned by the heart,
creation has its start,
fueled by passion’s fire,
to bring forth pure desire.
The treasure of the heart,
is imagination’s find.

Into our existence,
Brought forth from the night,
Thoughts becoming real,
We walk upon the light.

Thought is only energy,
the power of the mind.
For matter is composed,
as Einstein did propose,
of energy in form,
in balance to conform.
True nature of reality,
How could we be so blind.

Into our existence,
Brought forth from the night,
Thoughts becoming real,
We walk upon the light.

Our thoughts are so imperfect,
and from them we create.
From the work of our plans,
and sweat of our hands,
as the desires we feel,
our hearts do make real.
How creation came to pass,
is not hard to contemplate.

Into our existence,
Brought forth from the night,
Thoughts becoming real,
We walk upon the light.

If God’s thoughts are perfect,
He then adds energy,
and energy makes matter,
brought from the latter,
Perhaps he spoke creation,
for the heart’s elation.
With free will beings to be,
embracing all that they see.

Into our existence,
Brought forth from the night,
Thoughts becoming real,
We walk upon the light.

Quantum thought confounds,
in balance with Relativity.
String Theory adds dimensions,
more than I would care to mention.
God went to lengths to show,
truth we all need to know.
Possibility has no limits,
growing my faith infinitely.

Into our existence,
Brought forth from the night,
Thoughts becoming real,
We walk upon the light.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

To My Fellow Explorer - A Response to Professor Stephen Hawking

An Image titled "The Beginning of Space and Time".

Professor Stephen Hawking recently delivered a lecture on the creation of the universe in Pasadena, CA.  This was not done with a Bible in hand per say, though he covered differences between what we actually know and do not know quite clearly.  All I can say is that if he inspires people to think, explore, and learn he has done a great thing.  How long could you possibly look at the stars or Earth, and not see God?  This is my response which I have sent to him a few minutes ago.

Looks are deceiving,
As a man standing tall,
Is never seen to rise,
And an unseen particle,
Holds a universal map,
While our concealed thoughts,
Paint truths we cannot see,
We finally see some truths,
Through the tools we create,
Yet imagine looking down,
At your own dog from above,
From the rafters in the roof,
You see everything he does,
Now try calling his name,
He will seek to find you,
Roaming around the room,
He may never lift his head,
For the reality he lives,
Is a limited perspective,
Though he feels you are there,
Your position he can’t find,
A concept so abstract,
Yet we see it in our minds,
In String Theory dimensions,
Six fold beyond our eyes,
Warping space beyond belief,
Or creating two more realms,
With three dimensions like ours,
Within the same space we move,
Where energy and matter unite,
Without entropy to mark time,
Yet if what we see is energy,
Marked in Holographic principal,
And the pictures in our minds,
Are the energy of thought,
Then adding energy to thought,
Could bring mass to being,
Creating a universe of wonder,
Of which your mind expounds,
Inspiring listeners to seek,
And in their hearts explore,
For you explored with mind,
What you could not in body,
So when all is said and done,
We may agree as explorers,
Perhaps the universe is a map,
To finding God in the heart.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Quantum Veil

The distance between perception and true reality is our imagination.

All things are equal,
In the complexity of being,
Having different states,
Being old and new,
Small and large,
Here and there,
For being is continual,
While states change,
With passage of time,
And the touch of influence,
In quantum expression,
Living truth of potential,
Revealed to God’s eyes,
In glory and splendor,
While we see reality,
As if a shadowy reflection,
Blinded by physics,
To only see the now,
Limited in simplicity,
Faith shows possibility,
Of the water falling on us,
From the bottom of the sea,
The stars surrounding us,
Apparent infinity,
Each one of us,
Needlessly afraid,
While birds fly believing,
Led in clear vision,
By what their hearts can see,
For passion is the key,
To possibility,
Yet we only see now,
In simple understanding,
Behind the Quantum Veil.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Spatial Reasoning

This poem came inspired by one of those deeply incredible conversations that we can each have with only a few.  This was from a conversation with my wonderful wife.  I thank God for making life so wonderful that we can never stop exploring.  I thank God for the love and inspiration he placed in my life.  I thank him for the words and ideas in which I attempt to describe the wonders of life with.  In all of my writing of hundreds of pieces, I have never used the same title or copied the same idea over.  I keep wondering if I will reach the end, and it seems that I never will.  Infinite beauty...

People are a puzzle,
Constrained within themselves,
A soul inside a mind,
Fueled by the heart,
As the senses are doorways,
By which we connect,
The mind has doorways,
As the soul has gifts,
And through such doors,
People reach within,
The soul reaches out,
Except with cases,
Where the doors are closed,
By accident or illness,
That soul does not speak,
That soul does not share,
Yet within the darkness,
That soul is breathing,
Reaching out from within,
Hoping for some sign,
That someone does care,
As we all hope forth,
Hopping through open windows,
Sometimes with ease,
As we each are tuned differently,
For some reach through music,
And others through numbers,
With several through work,
Whatever may be,
For our ability to bond,
Is our asset of strength,
Using one window or many,
Or stepping through doors,
For in applying our gifts,
We use spatial reasoning,
Seeing thoughts and ideas,
In how answers may come,
When spiritually spatial,
We see into souls,
Proving life’s meaning,
As through the doorway,
We find each other.