Friday, May 22, 2015

The Eternal Song

One cannot fall asleep in a dream,
While in reality we think we're awake,
As time passing surrealistic,
Never follows rules of patterns,
When a moment falls like glass,
Shattering into hours,
And an hour rises like a rocket,
Disappearing in a moment.

Within our dreams we see reality,
Though we cannot touch or be touched,
Within the day reality is a dream,
With all things mistaken physical,
Being mostly of empty space,
Just energy in bonds of relation,
Across the gulf of time,
Comprising our bodies in place.

Our illusions becoming shattered,
When circumstance brings destruction,
A life unto a life dispelled,
Bringing grief like none can tell,
Or the fires of change rearranging,
Making hard work all for naught,
Yet we should never be distraught,
For energy cannot be destroyed.

Floating in the nothing of everything,
One thing makes reality real,
An energy beyond contemplation,
For love is the fuel of creation,
Bringing gardens out of dust,
And beating hearts out of a union,
Making sense out of confusion,
For love is the eternal song.