Pain is a fundamental,
A live component of the universe,
A continuum of changing force,
This can be seen among the stars.
Those stars burn of different colors,
For when low on the fire of life,
They collapse in finding new heat,
Fusing new elements from afar.
Some stars collapse igniting in torment,
Rip apart in explosions of light,
Casting their elements as energy not lost,
Becoming new worlds born in new light.
For energy is not lost within our circumstance,
Though the pounding may drain us within,
As we wonder why the sunrise brings trials,
That we may bring our grief to God in the night.
Creation comes only of pain,
For it is pain that fuels passion to pursue,
And we discover new ways to reach the goal,
Never seeing the true end from where we begin.
It is new elements that comprise,
The new worlds from our hearts,
And through the agonies of birth,
This comes from within.
There is no love without pain,
Laughter comes from times of trial,
Tears mark recovery's trail,
Nightmares clear the path to dreams.
Within this process of living,
See the universe and all of its glory,
Watch the pain of creation bring unfolding,
The illusion of suffering is not what it seems.