Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Beyond Time and Distance

 Our power to resolve is limited, 
 The smaller an object is, 
 More power is needed to see it, 
 The more we use such power, 
 The easier the object is destroyed,
 Opening a truth to physical reality, 
 There are no limits too small and large, 
 Thus there is no such thing as size, 
 And if there is no such thing as size, 
 There is no such thing as distance. 

 Within our physical illusion, 
 Time is needed to cross distance, 
 Yet if distance is not real, 
 Our illusion is one of change, 
 Yet in our world of changing, 
 We except that God is everywhere, 
 Yet perhaps in all his power, 
 He has traveled everywhere at once, 
 But within our limited strength, 
 We have been to many places, 
 So if we remove the factor of time, 
 We are seen in many places at once. 

 In this we visit the spiritual, 
 Perfected passed our physical weakness, 
 When we touch the face of God, 
 Upon leaving the bounds of earth, 
 Travel would be a thought, 
 Without lumbering our physical bodies, 
 Unbound by times constraint, 
 In the unlimited power of love. 

 In this we see the truth, 
 Though trapped by our own senses,
 In this our three dimensions, 
 Unable to see the parallels, 
 Where God’s heart sings in love, 
 Where life and death are meaningless, 
 And love has bound all souls, 
 Where there are no boundaries, 
 To imagination or love, 
 And in the song of life, 
 Impossibility fades away. U

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


People ask where God is when these things happen.
The answer is within us waiting on our freedom of will.
Darkness is opportunity for live to shine.
What will you choose to do?

They said it was coming,
The indescribable dark,
A howling tempest,
To leave its mark,
The monster expected,
But what would it be?
Are we do fight it,
Or do we just flee?

The island of beauty,
With water surrounded,
The seas have been rising,
Our souls are impounded,
A prison of water,
To come in the night,
It is the unseen,
Which causes great fright.

The last people left,
We were left behind,
Our families to safety,
We seek what to find,
Strong ropes to bind us,
To swaying palm trees,
The tide come to take us,
Is well past our knees.

The shelters are shattered,
By force of the wind,
Men tied to the trees,
Holding fast till the end,
Sand sparking in the gale,
As the winds build up higher,
The air lighting all around us,
Has become electric fire.

Now the water builds up,
Covering the mainland shore,
Not one thing appearing,
Appears as before,
On the street below us,
A homeless man roams,
But the wave tops fly inland,
Turning the air into foam.

In a place past the eye wall,
Some rush out to repair,
The silence smothering,
The birds of the air.
Wind returning full force,
Blindsiding from the wall,
And with debris taking flight,
My comrade’s life falls.

In the wake of afterwards,
People walk like in a dream,
Too tired to cry,
Too worn out to scream.
Water logged walls,
Left by roofless homes,
Not knowing where to begin,
For help they do roam.

Thursday, August 3, 2017


 A moment is captured, 
 In the eye of the heart, 
 For when moments pass, 
 Barriers arise, 
 Invisible to the eyes, 
 The moment disappears, 
 In between then and now. 

 Time energy travels,
 Both in particles and waves, 
 As each wave crests,
 Moments are lost in the troughs,
 Time particles piercing through, 
 Those moments display in memories, 
 They live forever in  each heart. 

We pierce through this veil,
 As a bird pierces through the water, 
Pulling forth each catch,
As we pull moments from time,
Glimpsing each moment's snapshot,
 The way God sees all of time clearly, 
 For He is immune to change. 

 Change defines who we are, 
 Yet reality would destroy our minds, 
 Without time's separation of moments, 
 Upon this staging ground of Earth,
 Where we can set good things in motion, 
 Which can add to the beauty of Heaven,
 While we find meaning in who we are. 

Monday, July 31, 2017

How We Think

 The complexity of the mind, 
 He's a wonder beyond compare. 
 Energies upon energy, 
Enfolded in beauty,
 Enshrined within a temple, 
 Our window to everywhere. 

 A physical organ,
 Hiding behind each face,
 Though all things physical, 
 Particles bound by touch of light, 
 Holding hands across the void, 
 Are mostly empty space. 

 These particles each have spin, 
 Right or left determine charge, 
 Charges building impulses, 
 In order and in beauty, 
 Sending control through the spine, 
 Chosen actions yours and mine. 

 Yet there is so much more, 
 There is the mind we cannot see. 
 There is a soul outside of dimensions, 
 For there is nothing to measure here, 
 Held between the heart and the mind, 
 It is all that is truly dear. 

 Eternal energy bound within energies, 
 Attuned to the spirit winds,
 Born within the heart of God, 
 For nothing else could make such things,
 Yet things have a common fate of ending, 
 Whereas our souls only begin. 

 With all these energies within us, 
 We sell amidst a sea of thought, 
 Connected with a universe of souls, 
 Bonded with a kiss to the heart of God, 
 Thoughts of love flow to the Song of Life,
 Energy from our hearts unto the whole.

Sunday, June 25, 2017


Distance is the time,
It takes to traverse space,
Yet time is an invention,
Created to measure change,
Velocity is required,
To change place in space,
Yet position and velocity,
Won't measure at the same time.

Yet distance implies size,
Which does not exist in physics,
Though we can only see,
What we can resolve,
Yet it takes energy to see,
Which is the same as matter,
Which Einstein understood,
In his most famous equation.of all.

So what is the matter,
If matter is the same as energy,
As energy adds weight,
To all things with mass?
It is that all things are particles,
Made of energy rotating in strings,
Connected at each end,
To yet other strings of energy.

So as all things are formed,
Of energy in structure,
With energy between them,
In what is seen as empty space,
Then there can be no real distance,
As there is always real connection,
It is if as all things,
Are always face to face.

This is why two hearts together,
Never can be separated,
Even when they are standing,
On continents apart,
For the energy connecting,
Every one of us and God,
Is exactly the reason why,
I can feel your heart.

Friday, April 28, 2017

The Potter's Hands

 In speaking with others, 
 Trapped in the day, 
 We cannot understand, 
 Coming back from tomorrow, 
 We cannot perceive, 
 Looking forward to the past,
 Within the lineage of moments, 
 Waiting all day for tomorrow, 
 Imagination lies trapped and stifled,
 Inside a fragment of possibility. 

 We are given free will to pray, 
 To God who is outside of time, 
 Not trapped within pages of the story, 
 Having to turn one by one, 
 God sees each spread before him, 
 Laid out upon the table, 
 Not limited in his focus, 
 Seeing decisions before they happen, 
 Knowing our joy before we feel it, 
 With patience God waits for us. 

 We ask in painful voices, 
 For things God already knows, 
  For needs God has already met, 
 We just have not seen the answer, 
 Trapped on the slow path in time, 
 Trying to catch up to the moment, 
 Where the answer finally comes clear, 
 Then we see the power of love, 
 Changing reality just like clay,
 Being shaped in the potter's hands. 

 And now comes the hidden truth, 
 For this love is a power God gave, 
 Even though we have weak hands,
 The heart never can fail,
 As we act in each others lives, 
 Making change that shakes the earth, 
 Spreading like fire between souls, 
 Which I see burning in your eyes, 
 Which is why nothing seems impossible, 
 When I see life through the heart. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Light of Death

 Imagine a light, 
 Which feeds the darkness, 
 Imagine a light, 
 From the crushing of life, 
 Within a dark star,
 Where physics is lost, 
 With gravity so great, 
 Nothing can escape, 
 With gravity so great, 
 Nothing survives.  

 There is a place, 
 Where reality ends,
 There is a place, 
 Time slows to a stop, 
 When matter comes in, 
 Dark energy leaves, 
 Through space and time, 
 Radiating out, 
Eating through time,
Winding down.

 This energy of entropy,
 Is it the reason for time?
 This energy of entropy,
 Is it the cause of change?
 Trees rising and falling,
 Lives beginning and ending,
 Where souls take shape,
 Standing on the edge of forever,
 Where  souls take shape,
 Upon this temporal stage.

 There is a great force,
 Countering energy of change,
 There is a force,
 Against which nothing can stand,
 For the meaning of love,
 Is letting go of fear,
 It is the beginning of creation,
 From which reality flows,
  It is the beginning of creation,
 Overcoming death itself.

 Love is true light,
 Only coming from the heart,
 Love is true life,
 Only seen from the heart,
 Bending the laws of physics,
 Changing the rules of time,
 Life becomes renewed,
 From the force that never falters,
 Life becomes renewed,
 Outshining the light of death.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Perception Filter

Are the things we see, 
 What we wish to see, 
 Or are they really there? 
 The sun traverses the sky, 
 Or is it the Earth spinning? 
 Are solid objects solid?
 Or is reality grinning? 
 Are your walls standing still, 
Traveling thousands of miles an hour?
 They are appearing still, 
 As you are traveling with them, 
 Through time and space, 
 In our solar system, 
 And yet that system travels faster still, 
 Around the center of the galaxy, 
 A beautiful thrill. 

 What appears a dull gray rock, 
 Is indeed a sparkling dance, 
 Energy holding hands, 
 Twirling in the space of matter, 
 The air around us, 
 Always full of charge, 
 With many answers coming, 
 The mystery remains at large, 
 Yet physics is just a reflection, 
 Of the complexities of life, 
 While circumstances are nearing, 
 The heart is always endearing,
 Remaining faithful to God above, 
 Our source of enduring love, 
 When all of life seems a kilter, 
  Truth burns through perception's filter. 

Friday, April 7, 2017

Absolute Zero

 Within the absence, 
 We are embraced by darkness, 
Within the absence,
  We are held by the cold, 
 On an island of life, 
 Surrounded by asphyxiation, 
 Where the darkness begins, 
 Heartbeats end. 

 Within the energy, 
 We are embraced by light,
 Within the energy, 
 We are held in warmth, 
 Transference of light, 
 From the radiation of heat, 
 And there is nothing hotter, 
 Then the fire of the heart. 

 Within the sorrow, 
 We are embraced by loss,
 Within the sorrow, 
 All hope departs,
 Illusions become addictive, 
 In the spiraling down, 
 As the soul tries to think, 
 There is no reason to fight. 

 Within the mind, 
 We are embraced by wisdom,
 Within the mind, 
 We are held by truths, 
 In indomitable darkness, 
 There is still warmth,
 Then we cannot feel it, 
 There is still light, 
 Though it be too dim to see. 

 Within the universe, 
We are embraced by change,
 Within the universe, 
 We are held in confusion, 
 There are no constants,
 Except for God, 
 Even at absolute zero, 
 Energy thrives. 

 Within each particle, 
Embraced by zero point energy, 
 Within each particle, 
 There is viberation of life,
 The quantum fluctuation, 
 Between position and velocity, 
 Fills each point in space, 
 With the energy of mass. 

 Within each circumstance, 
Embraced by hopelessness,
 Within each circumstance, 
 We are held in the truth of love, 
 The moment never is final, 
 There is nothing conclusive, 
 For wherever there is life, 
 There is only love. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


 Pain is a fundamental, 
 A live component of the universe, 
 A continuum of changing force,
 This can be seen among the stars. 

 Those  stars burn of different colors, 
 For when low on the fire of life, 
 They collapse in finding new heat,
 Fusing new elements from afar. 

 Some stars collapse igniting in torment, 
  Rip apart in explosions of light, 
 Casting their elements as energy not lost, 
 Becoming new worlds born in new light.

 For energy is not lost  within our circumstance, 
 Though the pounding  may drain us within, 
 As we wonder why the sunrise brings trials, 
 That we may bring our grief to God in the night. 

 Creation comes only of pain, 
 For it is pain that fuels passion to pursue, 
 And we discover new ways to reach the goal, 
 Never seeing the true end from where we begin.

 It is new elements that comprise, 
 The new  worlds from our hearts, 
 And through the agonies of birth, 
 This comes from within. 

 There is no love without pain, 
 Laughter comes from times of trial, 
    Tears mark recovery's trail,
 Nightmares clear the path to dreams. 

 Within this process of living, 
  See the universe and all of its glory, 
 Watch the pain of creation bring unfolding, 
 The illusion of suffering is not what it seems. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

The Girl in The Mirror

 Sleeping through the night, 
 Is a forgotten pleasure, 
 Sleeping through the night, 
 A sensation unknown. 
 For the nightmare will come, 
 I can no longer stop it,
 For the girl will come, 
 So lost and alone. 

 And I hear it again, 
 The soft sobbing at midnight, 
 To the mirror again, 
 Where she is cold and alone. 
 She draws her hands from her eyes, 
 And reaches out for me, 
 In another place, 
 She is lost far from home. 

 And then she cries out,
 Screaming in terror, 
 And then she cries out, 
 It is too loud to hear. 
 I must cover my ears, 
 As I cannot bear the pain, 
 And then the mirror cracks, 
 As I collapse in fear. 

 I must break this cycle, 
 And I must solve the mystery, 
 Awaiting till midnight,
 For her face to return. 
 When I blinked did I see her,
 Or is this just madness? 
 As I blink she is staring, 
 And awaits my return. 

 And so I turn to the light switch, 
 Flipping it faster, 
  In the strobing light tension,
She is there holding fast.
Then this ghost of an image,
Thrusts her hand forward,
In a scream of pure terror,
She breaks through the glass.

 I awake from the darkness, 
 Lying sprawled on the tile, 
 Looking up towards the mirror, 
 Which is broken no more. 
 Yet where her hand was, 
 There is blood on the mirror, 
 And from not long ago, 
 As it runs towards the floor. 

 I must find a way, 
 To break through this madness, 
 Or to find a way to her, 
 If she is really there. 
 I must shatter the mirror, 
 At midnight tonight, 
 If there is even a chance, 
 Then to take it I dare.

 I have her fluttering image, 
 As I do flicker the light, 
 And a way to break through, 
 I now hold in  my hand.
 This night with a broomstick, 
 I shattered this glass of fears, 
 Then I knew nothing more, 
 Things did not go as planned. 

 In the morning I awoke, 
 With no mirror confirming, 
 That something did happen, 
 And my story is true. 
  There was laid on my chest, 
 A single rose with a note, 
 It did not say who she was, 
 The note just said Thank You.

 In this world of dimensions, 
 Where time and space meet,
 I can imagine there are moments, 
 When the fabric is weak. 
 Who knows of her story, 
 Or what must be true, 
 Perhaps at such a moment, 
 She must have fell through. 

 Who could but imagine, 
 All that God has in mind, 
 Yet he does not forget anyone, 
 And so she I did find. 
 God does not forget me, 
 God does not forget you, 
 Always remember this truth, 
 No matter what you go through. 

Sent from my iPho

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Traveling Through Time

 A week from now I reflected, 
 On the things I will do yesterday,
 Waiting until the morning, 
 I watch the sunset, 
 Exploring the universe without, 
 I find out who I am.

 The stars that we visit, 
 They orbit the world, 
 And when I close my eyes, 
 I see the stars, 
 With the infinite possibility, 
 Being only the beginning. 

 We dance amidst the time streams, 
 Splashing water of the moments, 
 Each moment forming a universe, 
 To begin a new stream, 
 Each moment a decision, 
 Changing reality's beauty. 

 For reality is souls, 
 Whether they are past or present, 
 Separated from our sight,
 By a time line wall's perception, 
 Yet we saught them through our hearts, 
 So we could meet them face-to-face. 

 For our travel is but a method, 
 Breaking down illusion's walls, 
 For those who walked or will walk,
 Are here with us today, 
 Though out of our hands reach, 
 Bonded through the heart. 

 So our travels become clear, 
 Breaking the bounds of time and space, 
 We reach out between the stars, 
 Touching other lives with love, 
 For in seeing through other eyes, 
 We can know and own the universe. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


For my friend John

I remember my days performing whitewater rescues.   Most would imagine that the difficulty would be in getting the rope to the person in the water, in order to rescue him or her. The real challenge was to get that person to be aware  of the solution, in spite of all of the noise of distraction in the immediate situation. Many times in life we face the same  issue until we come to a place of silence, peace, or focus and allow the solution to come to us.

 Absolutes are a necessity, 
 For truth to be found, 
 For meaning to be known, 
 And for life to be lived, 
 For there must be foundation, 
 To take a stand, 
 There must be a foothold, 
 To take a step, 
 Without such confidence, 
 The heart sees confusion, 
 Doubt leads unto fear, 
 And the heart seeks illusions,
 Yet without foundations, 
 The  mind sinks in darkness, 
 Heart embraced  by the abyss, 
 The soul plummets into Hell.

  Both heat and moisture, 
 Are required to make weather, 
 Without the presence of both, 
 Only wind may remain, 
 Yet with both in place, 
 The combinations are endless, 
 And prediction becomes an art, 
 To foresee hail mixed with rain,
 While to see requires light, 
 As light is made of photons, 
 Being there and around us, 
 Even when It is too weak to see, 
 It is energy converted, 
 As heat energy releases, 
 Abating the darkness, 
 Bringing peace to our eyes. 

 For our eyes see creation, 
 Creation requires a creator, 
 A creator requires appreciation, 
 Through the creation of love, 
 Proving truth and consequence, 
 Showing right clear from wrong, 
 As the fruit of both actions, 
 Will bring either joy or pain, 
 Though energy is not created, 
 One form leads to another, 
 As with love risking pain, 
 Through sacrifice in action, 
 Creates bonds between souls, 
 Forming strength to overcome, 
 Defying death through life lived, 
 For God's love is absolute. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Time Wave

 Gravity waves in space, 
 Once being undetectable, 
 Compressing and stretching reality, 
 Have been impossible to perceive,
 As a two percent stretch of the road, 
 Would be accompanied in hand, 
 By a two percent stretch in one's stride.

 As time is a kindred spirit,
With a nature like gravity and light,
 Such waves may come and go, 
 As days seem longer or shorter, 
 As there is no rhyme or reason, 
  In how currents are felt in this river, 
 Who's flow is purely illusion. 

 For there is no meaning to time, 
 In the things not subject to change, 
 Which is why we look into the eyes, 
 Of the soulmate standing beside us, 
 Faintly conscious of the passing of years, 
 Unable to see its presence, 
 Except in astonishing pictures of the past. 

 Outside of this bending of image, 
 Stands God unyielding to time, 
 With our pasts and futures before him, 
 Like photos upon the same table, 
 Seeing our free will choices tomorrow, 
 Before we encounter that sunrise, 
 Within this movie screen of change. 

 As energy pushes upon energy, 
 Strong gravity affects the course of time, 
 As does the energy of love, 
 Which binds two souls together, 
 Making each moment become a universe, 
 A timeless expense of joy, 
 Lost in each other's hearts. 

 When the wave of love becomes infinite, 
  Life force burst forth from God's heart, 
 Our spirits will be perfected, 
 Within reality made perfect in peace, 
 The time wave slows to a stop,
  As what we pictured in love becomes real, 
 The purpose of the heart fulfilled. 

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Truth of Thought

Creation is only thought, 
 Molded into form, 
 Taking shape in reality, 
 Through imagination and passion, 
 Just energy impulses in the mind, 
 Yet so much more in the soul, 
 And with energy from the heart, 
 They become something real. 

 For energy is heart,
 Being the emotion of reality, 
 Being the music of all matter, 
 For the physical world is of notes, 
 Things of mass made of energy, 
 What atoms truly are, 
  Composed of mostly empty space, 
 Held together by only love. 

 And now I sit beside the street, 
 On the world once made by God, 
 Near a road of human hands, 
 Filled with people riding wheels, 
 Riding on the dreams of others, 
 Who took mostly empty space, 
 And formed that into cars, 
 Changing our world and life forever. 

 We are just learning of this energy, 
 Scratching the surface of true nature, 
 Which takes nothing away from God, 
 Only taking his full splendor, 
 Shining light on this true glory, 
 Growing closer unto Him,
With our eyes wider in amazement,
 In all we truly have. 

 So with all manner of problems, 
 And tribulations that befall us, 
 We can never stand idle, 
 Once knowing true potential, 
 We can never lose our hope, 
 Against the scope of possibility, 
 For the true meaning of love, 
 Is letting go of fear. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Mirror Of The Stars

 From over the microphone, 
 I see through the darkness.
 In the solo of strings, 
 I see your lights appearing. 
 Surrounding my stage, 
 Is this ocean of souls. 
  Amidst thousands of lights, 
 My thoughts run wild. 
 Amidst thousands of souls, 
 The truth is bestowed. 

 This roof hangs beneath, 
 The great canopy of night. 
 Balls of fire burn endless,
 Against a river of black. 
 Systems spinning in a dance, 
 Within the grace of galaxies, 
 In all of its splendor,
 It is just a reflection. 
 Within its endless magic, 
 It mirrors the souls within this song. 

 Just like the stars, 
 You burn with different colors. 
 With the fire of love, 
 You heat the cold of space. 
 As is with the planets, 
 Some are surrounded by children. 
 For with the gravity of souls, 
 Families are born in love. 
 Within the vision of the song, 
 All of this is clearly shown. 

 For the song proceeded me, 
 And plays beyond my beating heart. 
 This song knows no beginning, 
 As it will never see an end. 
 For time is an illusion, 
 Giving opportunity to lives. 
 Space is only the distance, 
 In reaching other souls. 
 Dimension is the acoustics, 
 Within which the music plays.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Trick of Darkness

 Darkness is the trick of the light, 
 An illusion of physics in nature, 
 As every atom not completely cold, 
 Releases heat in the form of photons, 
 Making even the darkest of nights, 
 A dazzling display for the soul. 

 Darkness is a trick of emotion, 
 As any heart given the space of peace, 
 Feels the precious breath of God, 
 Imparting the strength of love,
 Within darkness no greater comfort, 
 Becoming the steadfast joy of faith. 

 For there is no colorless environment, 
 Only colors human eyes cannot see,
 As the mind comprehends many,
 And the soul is aware of the infinite, 
 For there are no hopeless endings, 
 When the heart sees all through love. 

 For this is the meaning of truth, 
 As no words contain all truth of meaning, 
 Since our hands only extend a few feet, 
 And reality extends forever, 
 Our souls not limited by sight, 
 See all through the light of love. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Fire of Creation

Scope of everything,
  Energy in form,
Canvas of stars and planets,
With this world to stand on,
In wordless contemplation,
While our hearts sing.

 Emotion is energy,
Burning hotter than the sun,
Within the physical world,
Love born force of creation,
Changing the rigidly bound,
Like clay within loving hands,
Allowing the soul to sing.

Thought is a doorway,
Seeing the world of the past,
Foreseeing the future through love,
A four dimensional projection,
Energy forming imagery ideals,
So we may form the energy of matter,
The clay God gave us to shape.

We become the shapers of souls,
In seeing what others may be,
Images more beautiful in the heart,
While our words and actions give shape,
To what that person may become,
As the power of will reciprocates,
And we grow more beautiful in return.

The storms will always come,
Washing beach sand from gold doubloons,
The fires will always come,
Revealing what can never burn,
The cold will always come,
Revealing the beauty of warmth,
For love is the fire of creation.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Infinite Simplicity

 There is no beginning, 
 And there are no endings, 
 For everything is energy, 
 Neither destroyed nor created, 
 Appearing as matter and light, 
 Giving means to touch the world. 

 Emotions are energy, 
 Chemical electrical impulses, 
 Waves created by the soul, 
 In colors seen by the heart, 
 Affecting the energy around us, 
 Encouraging waves to come in. 

 Worry begets worry, 
 About things that may happen, 
 Charging the air with anxiety, 
 Potentially drawing issues closer, 
 Perhaps the heart of Murphy's Law, 
 A cycle which may be broken. 

 Love creates confidence, 
 Sending thoughts into motion, 
  Seeing the end from the beginning, 
 Knowing both are mere illusion, 
 For reality is a constant, 
 Within  eternity's  embrace.

 Can you reach through the dimensions, 
 With out using your hand? 
 For your hand can only touch, 
 A flake of what is real, 
 While the expanse of possibility, 
 Is visible only to the heart.