Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Sound of Light

The following poem is dedicated to Carthy.

The light of God's glory is beyond human comprehension.
We will know the true scope of it when we see Him.

Can you hear over the light?
The immense sound of the light,
Like singing, thunder, and wind,
Drowning out all other sound,
All that remains is the heartbeat of life,
And the beautiful sound of light.

Can you feel the light?
The unspeakable beauty of light?
Without words it touches the heart,
With fingers soft upon the skin,
Yet sharp as blades upon the mind,
For it reaches out to the soul,
Light is through the heart to the soul.

Can you see the sound?
Beyond words or notes of music,
Overcoming all with silence,
A silence beyond words,
Seen through the eyes of the heart,
Expressed in the motion of love,
Love defined by the infinite truth.

Can you feel the sound?
For all the seconds of the infinite,
Are the particles of energy,
Forming all the fields of  matter,
Mattering to the mind,
Changing through eternity,
And here but for a moment,
While we travel back to the start.

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