Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Bombay Beach

Kokomo, of musical fame, does not exist.
Bombay Beach is real.

Marked upon a map,
Beside a sea of salt,
The binocular symbol beckons,
As a beacon unto travelers,
About the place to see,
Along this desert sea.

A colorful sign presents,
As you take your turn to tell,
And telling signs in the distance,
Show pictures of the past,
Abandoned boarded homes,
With cars parked anew.

You find a place to enter there,
Quietly exiting your car,
Entering reluctant into the heat,
On a white beach of sand,
A sand that crunches strangely,
The way that snow does not.

In the distance over the waters,
The very still waters reflecting,
The sounds of birds deflecting,
Calling out with whispered voices,

And now the gazes appear,
The strange gazes of the silent,
Looking at you without blinking,
Looking at you in the heat,
Staring at you in your heartbeat,
While they do not even sweat.

As fear creeps inside you,
With a quiet stilling of the heart,
You run towards the storefront abandoned,
Trying the locked door before you,
Seeing nothing but darkness within,
As something is banging to get out.

Back to the beachfront you run,
For a clear safe vision around you,
Then noticing the faces in white,
Amidst the tiny bones of sand,
Eyeless and withered mouths open,
As their voices whisper, “Staaayyyee…”

Grasping the map from your pocket,
To see where indeed you have come,
The binocular marked scenic view,
With both circles now U’s turned over,
Now clearly marks “Silenced View”,
As the sun’s rays weaken your stance.

The silent strangers observe you,
Never blinking as the sun whitens,
While their baby in bassinet brightens,
Slowly turning in steady stare,
Smile slowly spreading on his lips,
As the sun bleaches out your view.

As the brightness fades back to vision,
You have a clear vision of the sea,
Clearly seeing your rust eaten car,
As you are standing as one with the strangers,
While the sun sets into still waters,
With the sea rising over your smile.

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