Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Equation Unfolded

 Einstein had a vision
 Seeing reality a new.
 Energy being matter,
 Matter being energy,
 Same thing in different forms,
 Mystery in the light of truth.

 He saw the light differently,
 Raining down as particles,
 Coming to shore as waves.
 Different states in the same time,
 In his equation perfect rhyme,
 Showing matter as energy.

 Can the picture be complete,
 Without gravity in matter and light?
 When anything with mass emits light?
 Gravity is measured in waves,
 Could the energy exist as particles?
 Waves and particles as is with light?

 In time arrives the question of time,
 As yet undetected as particles or waves,
 Yet we feel hours pass like minutes,
 While a moment can last forever,
 So if time is part of the picture,
 How could it not be in the equation?

 Mass multiplied by lightspeed squared,
 Requires time to see conversion,
 Requires gravity due to the mass,
 Resulting in light through translation,
 Yet if the equation could consider this,
 What would it reveal?

 Universe upon universes,
 Lay at the feet of God,
 Transcending all dimensions,
 Beyond our understanding,
 In a reality of thought energy,
 Just to show us love?

 Have you considered this could be true?
 What would you do for love?

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