Monday, July 31, 2017

How We Think

 The complexity of the mind, 
 He's a wonder beyond compare. 
 Energies upon energy, 
Enfolded in beauty,
 Enshrined within a temple, 
 Our window to everywhere. 

 A physical organ,
 Hiding behind each face,
 Though all things physical, 
 Particles bound by touch of light, 
 Holding hands across the void, 
 Are mostly empty space. 

 These particles each have spin, 
 Right or left determine charge, 
 Charges building impulses, 
 In order and in beauty, 
 Sending control through the spine, 
 Chosen actions yours and mine. 

 Yet there is so much more, 
 There is the mind we cannot see. 
 There is a soul outside of dimensions, 
 For there is nothing to measure here, 
 Held between the heart and the mind, 
 It is all that is truly dear. 

 Eternal energy bound within energies, 
 Attuned to the spirit winds,
 Born within the heart of God, 
 For nothing else could make such things,
 Yet things have a common fate of ending, 
 Whereas our souls only begin. 

 With all these energies within us, 
 We sell amidst a sea of thought, 
 Connected with a universe of souls, 
 Bonded with a kiss to the heart of God, 
 Thoughts of love flow to the Song of Life,
 Energy from our hearts unto the whole.