Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Time to Timeless

The car had stopped,
It would never move again,
Unlike my faithful watch,
Just ticking past 5:02.

The smoke not clearing,
My eyes tearing,
Strength fading with blood,
This much I knew.

Torn metal pulls away,
Revealing a helping hand,
Trying to save my life,
It is now 5:07.

Wired up to the machines,
The alarms start blaring,
They struggle while I fade,
I now see…

The ambulance stopped,
Yet it did not brake,
I have walked out,
But I did not step,
I can move and think,
Yet I am still bleeding,
I do not feel faint,
Though I am not breathing,
It is 5:07,
Still 5:07.

I feel so alone,
Like never before,
This weight crushes through me,
And on through the floor,
Alone like a pain,
The pain like a fear,
I cry out in agony,
Yet without a tear,
My watch has stopped,
But is not broken,
At 5:07,
Still 5:07.

Though smoke is rising,
Flames will not consume,
Walking through pure flame,
 I feel as cold as a tomb,
Moments pass like hours,
Weeks passing like seconds,
A lifetime passing with no end,
Foundation of time ripped from me,
Entrapped within nothing,
Within nothing I am waiting,
All purpose is gone,
All of my senses gone wrong,
Always 5:07,
Still 5:07.

I can almost touch you,
You are close as it seems,
In the same space apart,
You cannot hear my screams,
Watching you smiling,
With others breathing life,
Yet no one can see me,
No one can hear me,
Through endless void,
As close as touch,
And then the shock comes,
And comes once more,
Upon the gurney I awake,
Seeing time start again,
It is 5:11.

I have seen Hell is real,
Thus I know Heaven above,
By the blood of His hand,
I will pursue God's love,
Through the change of time,
Until my future is unchanging,
Outside of this aging,
Time forgotten in Heaven above,
Let us know joy forever,
In His timeless love.

Friday, May 6, 2016

The Big Bang - Through The Canvas of Reality

The scientifically minded take issue with concept of God being The Creator mainly due to the Big Bang, and the fact that energy can not be destroyed or created.  That first incredible outburst of energy could not scientifically come from nothing, and it is against the principals of science to simply accept that it just happened.  However the explosion of energy known as The Big Bang could have come from somewhere else, and science is now exploring such reality beyond what is physically observable. 

Energy surrounds us in many forms we are aware of, especially the light and heat we receive from the sun.  Some will go as far as to include awareness of life energy, which they may register as a spiritual or emotional feeling that normally accompanies the free will decision to be a part of life in every possible way.  Yet physics teaches us that energy cannot be destroyed or created, which evokes thought of how energy balances with biological life.

Albert Einstein proposed that energy equals matter in his famous equation E=MC2.  Here is where the layman can see the change between the two, albeit imperfectly when wood is converted into heat energy in a campfire.  The reverse can be observed with more difficulty.  Physicist Leonard Suskind noted that if you could boil water in a sealed pot after carefully measuring the weight, you will note that it is slightly heavier when hot.  Energy and matter are two forms of the same thing.  So if energy cannot be destroyed or created, where could the Big Bang have come from?  Those faithful to their faith in God will say God and leave it at that.  Those faithful to science will continue to look for an answer.  The question of how still remains.

Human beings are notably aware of only a limited number of dimensions within the multi-dimensional reality which String Theory shows probability for through a complexity of mathematical models that show truth through equations which we are currently unable to observe with our limited senses.  Scientifically minded theologians have often said that a 10 dimensional reality would stand true mathematically using 3 dimensions for Heaven, 3 dimensions for Hell, and 3 dimensions for Earth.  Jesus may have illuded to such a reality in the Parable of the Rich Man where he said there is a great gulf fixed between Heaven, Earth, and Hell so that none may pass between.  The remaining dimension of course would be time.  Few people truly understand time as the only measurements are comparative, using a comparison of the Earth’s rotation against the Earth’s orbit around the sun, and then counting how many times that happens as we get old.  The only true thing which can be said about time is that it is a measurement of entropy, or change.  If that is true, then the introduction of change could potentially create time.

If the energy which exploded within this reality as The Big Bang was not instantly created in contradiction to the laws of physics, then the next possibility is that it came through from somewhere else.  If God exists in an unchanging and timeless reality considered by many to be Heaven, and He initiated creation, then perfect thought and perfect energy may have been projected into this three dimensional reality by Him.  If we imagine bursting through the backside of a blank canvas with color, God’s creative energy may have entered this reality in the same way.  With energy’s ability to change energy, that explosion of creative thought force would have originated from the point of entry into our three dimensional reality modifying everything in its wake.  The formation of planets, stars, and galaxies may have started from the mind of God in such a manner.

This can be pictured with the graphic above showing the structure of a light cone, where a space-time event such as an explosion emits light from a fixed point in space.  The pane in the center of the chart shows space at the time of the event, with a cone of light and energy emanating outward into space as well as future time.  On the other side you see a large cone getting smaller as the past factors which caused the event converge on the point where the event happened.  This chart is normally seen with the cones extending up and down, above you see the chart placed on its side.

String Theory predicts the existence of tachyon particles, which are energy particles that move faster than light.  As that defies known laws of physics, tachyon particles have not been detected in nature up to this time.  A related particle known as the Higgs boson produces observable evidence in nature as a background energy in the vacuum of space, and a similar particle has recently been produced in the Large Hadron Collider outside of Geneva.  This raises possibility of the existence of tachyon particles which have a very unusual property.  Tachyon particles have the potential of producing large amounts of particles of mass as they loose energy.  This is a process known as Tachyon Condensation.

With all of this in mind there is the scope to imagine a new likely possibility.  As God’s perfect creative thought released perfect creative energy, an unimaginable amount of tachyon particles go forth.  They converge to a point in that dimensional reality, where faster than light energy could exist, and burst through the dimensional wall into our known reality.  Once through they slow down and produce huge amounts of particles of mass in the greatest explosion which we refer to as the Big Bang.  From there, the rest is history.  As scientific perspective grows, it becomes more absurd to consider God’s creative hand an impossibility. 

Ever since Einstein revolutionized the way we think about gravity, and how it interacts with the fabric of space, scientists have been seeking ways of detecting gravitational waves.  With the recent confirmed detection of gravitational waves in January of 2016 and written about by physicist Brian Greene, great excitement has arisen concerning the ability to study the universe through the lens of a different form of energy.   Gravity, a form of dark energy creating attraction between mass, is also associated with major astronomical events such as what generated the waves detected in January.  Gravity is a form of energy that manifests in waves, or particles known as gravitons which manifest in a continual force we register as gravity on Earth.  Gravity, according to Einstein, can have affect on light as well as time if the force is extreme as is the case with black holes.  Very minute affects of gravity on time has been noted by taking exact time measurements near the North Pole and the equator on Earth, giving evidence to what Einstein theorized.  Yet these three forces have apparent similarities.

Einstein observed that light can manifest in two forms, as direct photons or as waves.  This is similar to gravitational energy.  If both forces interact with time and have similarity to each other, would it then be possible for time to manifest as energy in the form of waves and in particles?   Many people relate to the sensation of minutes seeming to pass like hours, and hours seeming to be like minutes.  Could it be possible that time is a form of energy that has not been directly detected, while the effects of which continually manifest as change observed in the world around us?   Then with the help of String Theory giving mathematical scope for multiple dimensions, it can then be possible to have a reality outside of the perceived scope and effect of time. 

If time is nothing but the measurement of change, then we have been studying change created by the event of the Big Bang, which may have been energy released into this reality as on to a blank canvas.  Where as an artist’s hand will touch the canvas through a brush, God’s hand touches this reality in the same way.  Time manifests as large and small change at the same time, much as tiny brushstrokes are added to the canvas while the major areas of wet paint still change the canvas in a permanent way.  As the canvas stretches and contracts ever so slightly under that touching pressure of change, so does the fabric of our reality stretch and contract minutely under the influence of gravitational waves.  Light allows the perception of the colors by reflecting off of the pigments, though everything radiates light.  According to Feynman, when any atoms loose energy, their electrons drop to a lower orbit around the nucleus while releasing the extra energy in the form of a photon.  Though we cannot perceive it with our eyes, all of Creation radiates light.

Perhaps light shares a common bond with truth in the way it permeates through reality as seen in the example above.  Perhaps energy permeating reality lends clarity to the truth of other dimensional realities that String Theory supports.  As Einstein supports that all mass is the same as energy, then there is less reason to believe that energy can not pass from one dimensional reality to another, especially since the passage of time is more or less an illusion within we are confined.   Einstein once said that reality is an illusion, albeit a convincing one.  Perhaps the reality is that God has always been just on the other side of  a wall of dimension, leaving him invisible to the naked eye while existing in the same room we are all standing in.  Perhaps that is why according to the famous author Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry who wrote The Little Prince, it is often true that we can only see clearly with the heart.  As always, possibilities are never found unless first imagined.