Friday, May 9, 2014

The Continuum of Life

For my wife.

The stars in the sky are suns,
Fiery reflections of our souls,
All in connection together,
Suspended in the ocean of space,
All giving birth to each other,
Their elements given as blood,
Collapsing and igniting,
Forming the passion of light,
Radiating from a new life.

It takes many stars to form one,
And one star can lead to many,
As many lives come from one,
Descendants as stars upon Earth,
Yet many must lead to one,
From two parents with parents,
Four then becomes eight,
Doubling with every step,
For many lead to one.

One must be at the beginning,
Creating the first Adam and Eve,
Through generations and tales,
To the Eve now by my side,
All in connection together,
In a sea of life on Earth,
Separate by timelines and lands,
Yet all with souls eternal,
As stars shine beyond their times.

There are no ends to beginnings,
No beginning to our end,
Light never ceases from a star,
Even after it has gone dark,
Traveling across space and time,
In the same way as our hearts,
A picture of the truth of life,
An endless ocean of potential,
For there is only love.

Creation and Reality – A Concept of Faith and Physics

What is creation?  It is commonly defined as the action or process of bringing something into existence.  Many things have been brought into existence though people tend to take sides on how.  Some follow a scientific pattern of thought with great potential, and end up at a loss to consider what could have preceded the universe as we know it.  Others have the depth of spiritual insight to see that there was God at the beginning, but often end up concluding that the process is completely beyond comprehension.  It is common in life to mistake unasked questions for unobtainable answers, but it is not necessary.  A deeper understanding of creation as a process, or Creation as reality, can only lead to a deeper appreciation of the Creator.

Creation, when speaking of reality as we know it, is often misunderstood while the advancement of science has made incredible facts available to laypersons who have never studied the discipline intensely.  It is common knowledge that solid matter is composed of atoms, each with different structure according to the elements they form.  They all share a common structure made of subatomic particles.  Protons and neutrons form the nucleus, while electrons orbit at a high altitude.  Yet any atom is mostly empty space.  Try to imagine grains of sand orbiting the edges of a football field, with a pinhead located at dead center.  Now look at the cement or flooring under where you are right now, and see it as the mostly empty space for which it really is.

All of this sounds seemingly impossible, but Einstein's famous formula of E=MC2 has been with us for nearly a century now.  The meaning of it is that matter and energy are the same thing.  If you could do an experiment of heating water in a special sealed pot, which has been done in laboratories, you will find that the heat energy added to the water and the pot actually adds a minute amount of weight.  That is because energy has mass as Einstein determined.  

The beginning of creative action is thought.  Whether thought is considered as the inspiring imaginative power of our souls, or electrical impulses in our brains, thought is energy.  When we see a concept in our minds, we carry forth processes that if seemingly sound, we put into physical action.  We work with our hands and materials to make our thoughts become reality.  We run into obstacles and difficulty.  The cars, homes, and technology all around us are proof that those obstacles can be overcome as all of these things were once merely thoughts.  When the passion of our hearts is put into use, any obstacles can be overcome with perseverance and time.  Yet we are imperfect, weak, and with limited understanding as human beings.  God suffers no such limitations.

If thought is energy, then the thoughts of God in His perfection are therefore examples of perfect energy.  If God is all powerful, then that energy of thought would not require physical assistance to manifest into reality, as our thoughts always do.  If matter is energy, and thought is energy, then nothing could stop God's all powerful creative thought from becoming reality.   In that sense, the accounts of Genesis where God speaks Creation into existence are perfectly reasonable and logical accounts of the birth of reality and the universe as we know it. 

It takes faith to create, or to see God’s creative power in its true beauty.  Faith is knowledge of things unseen, it is not hope or wishing.  We know where our homes lie at the ends of the roads we commute.  We know the sun will rise after the night.  We should also know that all things are possible in God’s will and way.  We know that God is there for us no matter how we feel.  Knowing the true beauty of His Creation is knowing His heart more, and making that more a part of our lives.  What we see with our eyes may appear to contradict this knowledge of the heart, but in this way we should rejoice knowing nothing is impossible.

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Lights of Yad Vashem

There is a place like no other,
Surrounded by the stars,
Each one a candle flame,
Each star having a name,
Beyond the doorway it lies,
Portal to a different dimension,
Where children laugh together,
Drawing my heart to attention.

Holding the rail in darkness,
I step forward into space,
Stars above and below me,
Each one seems to know me,
Some near and some far,
As I hear each give name,
As a heart is beating joy,
Within the candle flame.

Here I can walk with them,
Where they can feel my heart,
They are in memory with love,
For the rage of war took them,
Each one a gift of love,
Each one removed in pain,
A million and a half remembered,
And hatred is to blame.

I walk with hand on the rail,
Their hands are on my shoulder,
I know what brought them here,
Their memory of pain is over,
Each light flickers with laughter,
For they laugh in love in Heaven,
Our hearts dance this field of stars,
Amidst the lights of Yad Vashem.