Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Beyond the Veil

Science reveals a cosmos of infinite possibility.
Why then is there only one of each of us?

Where are we?
And what defines a universe?
The meaning expands forever,
With multiple dimensions,
Removing boundaries of space,
Where universes may multiply,
Beyond the speed of light,
Unreachable with travel,
By mechanisms physical,
Yet visited in thought,
When imaginations fly,
Yet if everything is possible,
Within a cosmos of infinity,
Is it really possible,
For things to happen only once?
Yet there is only one of each of us,
Unique beings of conscious thought,
With emotions fueling passion,
We grasp and hold the stars,
For understanding is imperfect,
As String Theory lies undefined,
Yet no definition stands,
Explaining what is life,
And much lies undefined,
As we can not see all things,
Beyond the veil of sight.
Past the universe’s walls,
And beyond sub-atomic size,
With no limits big or small,
In an energy continuum,
We are in freefall in our song,
For life is exploration,
And love the key to sight,
Unlocking hearts to see,
The source beyond the veil.

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