Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Greatest Mystery

For my soulmate, my inspiration, and my life.  
(known as "wife" in English...)

I climbed the greatest mountain ranges,
Crossed the deepest seas,
The one thing that I could not find,
Is why she does love me.

Quantum physics is not new,
Time is clear to me,
The mystery I could not solve,
Is how she does love me.

Patience is in front of me,
Its not difficult to find,
It flows straight from her heart,
And comes through her mind.

Treasure seekers search the world,
Yet riches they don't find,
The greatest treasure I can know.
Is her heart that became mine.

I will never write greater words,
Then these which you now read,
Your mystery stands by your side,
My advice you should heed.

Love is never circumstance,
And pain proves its not free,
Yet the proof and glory of it all,
She always does love me.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Physical Thought

We use imperfect thought to bring reality into creation through the work of our hands.
What work would be necessary with perfect thought?

Behold imperfect thought,
How lovely it can be,
I can imagine a treehouse,
Or the sound of infinity,
The colors of feelings,
Which can only be heard,
What could not be before,
In our minds will find a door,
Coming through work of our hands,
We use energy to fashion materials,
Materials composed of energies,
For when you take atoms apart,
What else left is there?
If thought is a form of enegry,
And thoughts are reality pictured,
Than could picture perfect thought,
Compose the reality we live?
The perfect thought of God,
With images from his heart,
Could find physical being,
As the reality where we live,
The earth beneath our feet,
The stars which steer our sky,
The air that gives us laughter,
And the beauty that makes us cry,
I can find no difficulty,
As the Bible tells me how,
God created the world,
With the words that he spoke,
From that which was not,
To the stars white and hot,
And the life gift that we live,
From the power of physical thought.

Friday, November 9, 2012

How Could Hell Exist, If God Loves Us?

This piece appears in my book, "Endless Perspective of Life".   I remember when I wrote this.  I was ironing and my wife was talking to her parents on Skype when I started thinking about Hell of all things.  I was thinking of reality in terms of sub atomic physics as described by Isaac Asimov in a textbook I read at least 20 years prior.  My wife looked at me in astonishment as I wrote, then ironed, then wrote, then ironed.  This was the result.

Just imagine,
Tumbling through time,
This world we now embrace,
The reality we face,
Composed of empty space.

In freefall,
Through the universe,
Of atoms we are made,
A shimmering cascade,
An energized façade.

Each atom,
For a start,
With neutrons in the heart,
Electrons spinning in a sphere,
Flung high within their atmospheres,
Mostly empty space,
Deep mystery,
Whose meaning we can not face.

The matter,
That we stand upon,
Presents a solid face,
Appearance that appears to last,
Yet delicate,
So delicate,
We live around our solid ground,
Which is much more frail than glass.

Of each kind,
In likeness form a bind,
As atoms form a tether,
And masses bind together,
Yet what if the energy of time,
Somehow suddenly unwinds,
And the electron force derails?
Allowing mass to fall through mass,
Into eternal depth to pass,
With speed increasing,
Never ceasing,
In horror unsurpassed.

Each atom’s charge,
Giving discharge,
Like a pricking from thin wire,
Yet through trillion atoms,
Forever freefall,
Burns like a lake of fire,
Impenetrable chaos,
Spinning out of control,
A repulsion of life,
Shutting out the light,
Tumbling through the fire,
In eternal midnight.

What holds us high,
Above such horror,
In our physical delight?
How much more delicate,
Our eternal souls,
Which transcend the night?
It is nothing but the heart of God,
The perfect strength of His hand,
The eternal bond of His true love,
The indescribable logic of His plan,
Even through difficulty of life’s pain,
To be with Him is my love,
Until pain is but a memory,
In Heaven’s entrancing joy above,
I know that nothing can change truth,
Nothing can dispel,
That to be with God is Life,
To be apart from God is Hell.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Living Ghost

One moment within,
One moment without,
Facing faces of life,
Greeting the faceless,
Swimming within noise,
Drowning in silence,
The screams unheard,
Have never been born,
For what is recorded,
Has never before been,
For we live in the current,
Swimming a river of lives,
And those before us,
We can never see,
Those to come after,
We can see them born,
We cannot all be seen,
Within the river at once,
As time creates a barrier,
For our minds to understand,
For though we are all here,
This un-seeable division,
Masks those not in the now,
And with one tiny slip,
You have fallen through,
The barrier on both sides,
Silence is your friend,
In a world without voice,
No faces to be found,
Except within a glimpse,
Sleeping in the night,
Seen by startled eyes,
Trembling hand reaching,
Switches on the light,
Barrier in full force,
You disappear from sight,
Appearing before another,
Who sees right through,
You try to speak,
And nothing comes,
Your silent screams,
Remain in your lungs,
Shocked from sleeping,
You arise awake,
For it was a dream,
Or could it be?
For God holds us,
Within his hand,
A balance of physics,
For look at your feet,
On what they stand,
Mostly empty space,
Subatomic particles,
Just holding hands…

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Tearing of the Mind

I heard a mutual friend ask if there was any proof of "lunacy".  It suddenly struck me today that if there was pure factual basis, than we would be speaking of rational or irrational fear.  The lack of pure factual basis is a necessity of madness, the realm where doubt and uncertainty rule over reality. 

There it is above you,
Hanging in emptiness,
Millions of tons heavy,
Suspended upon nothing,
Within the cold darkness,
Circle of glowing white,
Within the dark of life,
Glowing upon the night,
On this path blowing,
In moon light knowing,
The light sees your deeds,
Wind whispering accusations,
Rising above screams of silence,
Endless shouting in your head,
Demons born and never dead,
As the fog curls smiles,
Onto shadow faces,
While misty arms draw you,
Into unknown places,
A hand clasps your shoulder,
Extended from your reflection,
As you turn and see your eyes,
Staring into your soul,
Grinning without mercy,
Without lips to form a smile,
For were these deeds your own?
You no longer know your reason,
The voices show you pictures,
Your actions do you see?
Or are you looking at me?
Seeing into my eyes,
As I reach into your world,
With the moon extended hands,
Delicate enough to stir reality,
Within the confines of your soul,
Yet with strength to grip the waters,
Raising them into dark tides,
Rolling above your head,
Silencing your screams,
While voices whisper will,
For will holds onto voices,
Of those who are beside you,
As God placed us all near,
To strengthen and to hold,
Against the tearing of the mind.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Chaos Theory

There are factors in reality,
Set components unchanging,
Which can be found in life,
Everywhere around us,
Within the weather,
Comprised of heat,
And also moisture,
Comprised of cold,
And also dryness,
Yet the appearance,
Is never predictable,
As is with mechanics,
When things happen,
Which were not foreseen,
As with all people,
Within the art of living,
As we are of soul and heart,
And we are of flesh and blood,
Yet our behavior is curious,
In the things that we do,
We have created order,
In our orderly ways,
Living lives by schedule,
In the world we created,
Yet what is the reality,
Of the world which we live?
Is the order we create,
Only in our minds?
For we are drowning,
Dry upon the sands,
We are falling up,
To strike the earth,
We are deaf within,
A constant noise,
As we live peacefully,
Within our fears,
For this is Chaos,
With the key to peace,
Held in our hands,
To know there is reason,
To feel there is meaning,
With a Creator in creation,
As the source of life,
And the reason of love,
For the action of love,
Is releasing of fear,
Bringing us peace,
Bringing us hope,
Knowledge of things,
We cannot see,
Freed from chaos,
We gain truth.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Cosmic String

For it can be told,
In the seeing of things,
That there are energies,
Surrounding all life,
Flowing from the stars,
And burning from the heart,
So that among these forces,
As the theory does hold,
There is a force of energy,
Passing through all things,
Flowing through dimensions,
From one universe to the next,
And from tomorrow to yesterday,
Known as cosmic strings,
So far they are unseen,
Yet they fit into equations,
Yet what if these strings exist?
For what can pass through dimensions,
Seeing life from tomorrow to yesterday,
Making the impossible a possibility?
It is the energy known as thought,
Imperfect within our minds,
Yet perfected in the Creator,
For if God is perfection,
Then there is perfect thought,
Seeing through all barriers,
From beyond the gates of time,
Reality is not a boundary,
And faith becomes the river,
For all things are possible,
And bound together by God,
As love binds us all,
In the Cosmic String.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Ship of Bones

The thought came to me while driving, and the details materialized in writing very quickly.  This poem does explore a question through the genre of horror, as the title suggests.  The question is, if we each are not doing the unique and special things we can do, are we truly alive?

How could I awake,
If I am never asleep?
Can the nightmare end,
When it never began?
Underneath a sullen sky,
The sun is never setting,
A glowing red eye,
The sun is never blinking,
Always staring,
Staring at me,
Alone on the sea,
Upon a dead ship,
Trapped in still waters,
Trapped and not sinking,
The sun is not blinking,
The glowing red eye,
Is always staring,
Staring at me,
Yet I am in company,
They are with me,
But they do not move,
They always look at me,
With eyes long gone,
Always smiling,
No flesh to hide teeth,
Skeletons bleached white,
Populate this ship,
While the sun keeps staring,
Never blinking,
And I can not hear sound,
As if in a dream,
I can not hear sound,
Though I try to scream,
Nothing happens,
As into reflections,
Of broken glass,
I look to see,
What could be wrong,
I look and see,
My eyes long gone,
My mouth is open,
But far too wide,
And hanging low,
On thinning hide,
With bones protruding,
From tattered skin,
Up from behind me,
I see a grin,
Hand on my shoulder,
And hollowed face,
He comes to show me,
Unto my place,
With words of comfort,
Spoken so near,
"Come float forever,
We all float here."
Then from the horror,
Within this dream,
I awake in darkness,
From my own scream,
Then thinking well,
Into the night,
I saw that ship,
Alive in life,
With people whom,
Forgot to live,
And share the gifts,
Which they could give,
God gave us skills,
Wisdom and tact,
For in our lives,
We all must act,
To bring forth beauty,
Alive and true,
We all must do,
                                                                     What we can do.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Prayer of the Sleepers

In passing decorated cemeteries, where the living remember those loved,  I began to think of what they would tell us if they could.  What they would do if given another chance.  Of what a lesson that is to us, about how precious life truly is.  This picture is from Voyage of the Damned.  The girl is named Astrid, and took a job as a waitress on a starliner to see as much of the universe as she could.  The Doctor faced death to save the passengers lives.  Seeing who he was and what he was doing, she sacrificed her life so he might survive.  Shortly after her death, the Doctor attempted to use her biological coding saved in a transporter beam unit aboard the ship to reunite body and soul.  With the machine badly damaged, he could only bring enough of her back to kiss her goodbye.

There are voices,
Many voices,
Speaking night and day,
Yet they are not heard,
As common sounds,
But whispers to the soul,
From souls that lived,
Knowing pain and joy,
Knowing tragedy and triumph,
Trying to speak to us,
Yet as if in a dream,
Their voices are not heard,
No matter how they shout,
Waving their arms before us,
We walk straight through them,
For they are remembered,
With flowers upon stones,
As we hurry through our lives,
Within a constant race,
Making the same mistakes,
As if trying to reach the finish,
Before all of the others,
Yet perhaps even God,
Would wish us to tarry,
And so beneath His shelter,
I stop so I can listen,
Beneath the swaying trees,
I close my eyes to hear,
Voices speaking of love,
As children grew and left,
Of simple times and games,
Just conversing with parents,
Reaching out to a friend,
When a loved one has hurt us,
Not to simply just let go,
For love does not know,
How to say goodbye,
And the sleepers wonder why,
When we are given much,
Why we do so little,
For each day is a gift,
For us to use and give,
And if given the chance again,
They would give all they could,
For the secret of receiving,
Is to pour one’s cup to others,
And the mystery of life,
Is loving more each day.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Upon Nothing

I wrote this piece because I began thinking about Job.  In his discussions he described God as putting the skies in their place and hanging the Earth upon nothing.  How could a dirt farmer that died 3,000 years ago have the slightest concept about astrophysics?  I could easily imagine the Doctor's curiosity being aroused by this as he sets off on a little trip to find out why.

Of mysteries,
There are many,
Of wonders,
Life is filled,
As we explore,
Looking ahead,
Tools of sight,
Help us to see,
Yet what was seen,
By those before us?
A simple shepherd,
Known as Job,
Spoke of God,
Suspending the sky,
And hanging the Earth,
Upon nothing at all,
This weighs upon me,
How so long ago,
Such a person,
Knew the profound,
Which few consider,
Walking their lives,
Dancing with shadows,
Surrounded by miracles,
Not noticed at all,
For all that is solid,
Is paradox in balance,
As the tiniest particles,
Are mostly just space,
Their energies within,
Hold them together,
While energy they have,
Tries to push them apart,
As their furthest parts,
Circle around centers,
Across a vast emptiness,
Which they cannot pass,
So as an ancient shepherd,
Marveled at the Earth,
Hung upon nothingness,
I stand in astonishment,
Seeing life around me,
Thriving amidst nothing,
For God is everything.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Color of Fire - A Tribute to Vincent Van Gogh

In the story of Vincent and the Doctor I was very much inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s thoughts concerning hearing the colors of life.  To be in touch with reality to that extent requires the gift of not allowing daily trials to distract us from how wonderful life truly is.  David Tennant’s character of the Doctor expressed this in a different way when conversing with the Master in “The End of Time”.  He said that you do not have to own the universe, just see it.  That is ownership enough.  May we all see more of life and the universe every day as we explore how our gifts can make it all more wonderful.

Life is continuous,
Resisting definition,
Full of visible sounds,
And colors you can hear,
As the birds overhead,
Sail across ground in flight,
The ground flies beneath,
Traveling through space,
Our planet as a free bird,
Soars across the stars,
While upon it we stand,
Creating our rhythms,
Matters of consequence,
Like chaff in the wind,
We drown out the music,
Of the spirits surrounding,
With creatures of the ocean,
Meeting our hearts on the shore,
And everything with sight,
Turns its eyes to the heavens,
Looking up in wonder,
At who may be looking down,
For the flowers of the fields,
Fill the canvas with emotion,
Each one a different note,
Within the songs of our lives,
Though a flower fades away,
The imprint stands with us,
Written upon our hearts,
The flower never dies,
As the song of our lives,
Join other songs around us,
In amazed contemplation,
Embracing all with my heart,
Sharing everything I can,
For to hear in true color,
Your heart must fly.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Unthinkable

This poem came from a very unusual concept that has been on my mind.  It may be really odd for me to put it in a Doctor Who blog, but watching David Tennant in "The Waters of Mars" will make you see why I did it.  What if you could save someone whom you knew would die, yet preventing that death might cost many more lives?  How could that even be put in a poem!!!!   At a carwash on Sunday I sat down with a notepad and concluded it was not possible.  Then I started writing to see what would happen...

Every life that is,
Is a universe of life,
As from the one,
Comes many lives,
And from the children,
Come many more,
And if that life,
Must come to an end,
For that one ending,
Is the saving of millions,
Could you face the one,
Looking eye to eye?
Could you walk away?
Would you stand and cry?
For what is one of many?
It is like a small key,
Opening a large door,
And the door must open,
So that millions walk through,
Tasting the gift of life,
Yet unaware of the cost,
As you look at the one,
Straight into the eyes,
Feeling nothing but love,
And the worth of that soul,
You decide what to do,
Knowing who you are,
And what you believe,
Reaching out your hand,
Lifting that life as yours,
You do everything you can,
Striving for that one life,
Though you do not succeed,
Your act of free will,
Becomes par t of God’s plan,
And your gift was received,
In the heart of the one,
For love works miracles,
Though they may be unseen,
And as the millions were saved,
Your free will joined hearts,
And the one is alive,
In you.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


I had not watched Doctor who in years.  While doing some cleaning with my wife out I stumbled across David Tennant in "The End of Time" and was impressed beyond expectation.  It was not just the story or the making of the film, it was what he put into it from his own beliefs and persona.   Crazy as I am, I promptly wrote what you see below and sent it to him.  Whether or not he received it, I know that he knows he makes a difference.  May we all.

Looking across the water,
Current carrying forward,
Wind arranging onward,
Life within and without,
Bringing life unto life,
Falling from the skies,
Converging from the mountains,
Unto the vast sea,
Containing every element,
Essential to everything,
Showing all who can see,
A flow and purpose of life,
For time does not exist,
As simple measurement,
Defining the space of actions in reality,
As actions cannot be measured in space,
What is distance,
Except the time that it takes,
For us to cross space,
Yet distance is perspective gained,
As we view the horizons,
As we prepare for a journey,
And then measure our strength,
Our resource to cross the distance,
And make that journey a reality,
But even strength has a source,
As does all things,
Strength in abundance or fleeting,
Refueled by passion,
As passion is an emotion,
Streaming from a living and breathing heart,
Yet it does not impart to others,
It does not transfer by itself,
It is a conscious decision,
Stemming from a limitless perspective,
Of all whom are around,
And how our effect on them,
Will effect and lift up our lives,
For thought is the eternal force,
From the one who created thought,
And gave this gift to us in our lives,
Thought bringing decision to share,
A decision to have a passion for life,
Feeling it more and more,
As we are bound together in thought and feeling,
Just as water binds all life together,
In a continuum.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Is time travel possible?  Do we exist in one universe or in several co-existing universes?  If time travel were possible then it would be a matter of entering and reentering someone else's universe at different points of curvature along their sphere of reality.  That would lead to the conclusion that there is an energy form which can pass through such boundaries and transcend these universes.  Many believe such a form of energy is found in cosmic strings.  But what else do we know that can pass through the boundaries of realities, transcend time and space, alter the future, and continue without end?  The answer is thought.

We can see through space,
To the very edge of time,
Into the stars and systems,
Close to the beginning,
Towards the boundaries,
Where space becomes curved,
Altering the structure of time,
Bending the infinite to a point,
Where viewing along the curve,
Back unto our point in space,
Would allow us to see the future,
And traveling along the curve,
Entering upon different points,
Would allow us to visit tomorrow,
And allow us to revisit the past,
Yet in entering those points,
Our own age would not change,
For then we would not have traveled,
To different places without moving,
Meaning the place we have gone,
Would not reflect our universe,
The universe we have visited,
Would be that of another life,
The world of another soul,
Effected by free will,
And existing within reality,
Amidst an infinite number,
Of parallel universes,
Effected by the life,
Of the soul within,
For in such a beautiful way,
Our lives touch and interact,
As we choose with our hearts,
Using the power of free will,
To visit each universe,
Of the lives that surround us,
Using our choices,
Tempered by love,
That our souls may effect,
The eternal design.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Open Doors

This was inspired by "The Girl in the Fireplace" when the Doctor opens a door in Lady Pompadour's mind in order to find out why she is being pursued, and she walks straight into his mind exploring the joys and the pains he can not express in words.

Once I walked alone,
Alone I saw the world,
Facing my fears,
Gaining my experience,
And then you came,
Through the doorway of love,
You entered my feelings,
Across the bridge of hearts,
You entered my mind,
Walking the hallways,
Opening every door,
Sharing in all that I am,
For behind one door,
Lies my brothers death,
And behind another door,
A crash I had endured,
Yet the pain has abated,
And fear is washed away,
Because you are there,
Behind every door,
And through other doors,
I hold amazement,
Watching a comet crash,
Upon another distant world,
Or seeing beyond the universe,
In the smallest spark of life,
My joy is made greater,
Because you share,
My joy is overflowing,
Because you are there,
Within every room,
Of thought in my mind,
Within all of me,
Because you are mine,
For in love we let go,
Of anxiety and fear,
Embracing perspective,
In joys that we have,
And knowing there is more,
For love is possibility,
Through open doors.

Time and Space

There was a day when my wife mentioned to me that her co-worker, Karina, was watching Doctor Who with her boyfriend.  I thought it would be interesting to hear what she thought about it and asked my wife to find out.  As soon as I came to my lunch break, I spent the first 4 minutes writing this piece.  I hope it inspires many to respond about stepping past limitations, seeing further than before, and redefining reality through the love of life and each other.

I behold the stars above me,
Spinning through infinity,
As we dance with them together,
While safe upon the Earth,
Exploring and imploring,
In search of mystery’s meaning,
I am deep within my journey,
Started on at birth.

I am a traveler at heart,
Of souls of those around me,
Bringing meaning learned,
To all of those I care,
And a traveler I’ve seen,
In the faces that surround me,
You can look but not see him,
Yet he is always there.

Exploring all that’s known,
In time and space around us,
Pushing back all boundaries,
For they do not exist,
Bringing all the magic,
That life does have to offer,
So those who’ve stopped exploring,
Have reason to persist.

With eyes full of wisdom,
Experience that’s confounding,
Approaching each new soul,
With the smile of a child,
He shows the open door,
To reality without boundary,
A place full of heart,
Imagination runs wild.

So what can I show you,
Of the traveler I do know,
And the journeys we did share,
I may bring unto this place?
It is that life is unlimited,
For there is no limit to love,
It is as simple as a smile,
And as vast as time and space.