Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Divinity of Time

 With the difficulty in life that time brings, what is the purpose of time?
What if time was a necessity to perfect love within our imperfect hearts?

Where fear meets wonder,

And sorrows blend with joy,
Time holds a mystery,
For all who will contemplate,
Seeing clearly without the eyes,
Hearing clear the vision of sound.

For time may be a realm of passage,
The untouchable forth dimension,
Through which imagination sees heroes,
Traversing the unthinkable,
For the sake of love,
A force much greater than life.

Yet time may be an energy force,
Stemming from an undiscovered source,
Manifesting in particles and waves,
Causing hours to pass like minutes,
While people are born,
And trees bear their fruit.

Time conveys burdens of sorrow,
With the appearance of illness,
The weakening of the body,
And the separation of souls,
When a loved one departs,
Never leaving our hearts.

We look upon the mystery in tears,
Raising our cries to the Most High,
Our fists clenched in anxiety,
As our heads lower to the Earth,
In all appearance of defeat.

For why must time be?
If we can only be for a time,
Entering into life with a breath,
Breathing out our soul into space,
The Undiscovered Country on horizon,
Containing more than we ever knew.

Time must exist because of love,
Growing in our imperfect hearts,
Challenges and tragedy to surmount,
Redefining boundaries and definition of life,
Becoming the energy making eternity real,
Returning us perfected unto Love.