Monday, April 27, 2015

The Unfolding

Dimensions are defined,
In simple ways,
Limited to the confines,
Of the mind.

In unmeasured ways,
Beyond our dreams,
The scope of truth,
We may find.

Each dimension a concept,
In which we explore,
Limitless measurements,
Of height.

Yet darkness conceals,
The limits of length,
Most difficult to see,
At night.

If dimensions are concepts,
We must never limit,
Life’s true scope,
From above.

For the greatest of these,
Is the energy that binds,
It is pure truth,
The concept of love.

Just as with length,
Love is accepted,
Existing in purity,
Without end.

The purity of love,
Strength unfettered,
In Heaven’s light,
Life does send.

Both light and heat,
Dimensions embodied,
Are some pure concepts,
Which to explore.

When darkness is king,
Never feel forsaken,
For within God’s blessings,
Life always gives more.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Elastic Ruler

When do we awake?
Where do we sleep?
For when we sleep,
Hours are but seconds,
And when we awake,
Moments turn to hours,
So is time measured,
As we measure distance?
For a mile is a mile,
How often traveled,
Yet distance is arbitrary,
In considering time,
Our view is in relation,
To the rhythm of the Earth,
As the sun falls and rises,
While we travel round her,
Our view is an illusion,
Obscured by entropy,
As we measure decay,
In our world and in us,
For life is like a room,
We can see the wall before us,
Yet by looking through the window,
The whole room is seen at once,
If God is looking in on time,
He sees our free will actions,
Long before we decide to act,
Knowing the true beauty of living,
Paints a picture without end,
So behold the young lady,
Standing before you in beauty,
When sixty years pass by,
Has her beauty really changed?
She stands as lovely as always,
Yet to see past time’s illusion,
Takes the power of vision,
That is only in the heart,
Which sees life clearly,
For all of our lives are one,
Which is a truth so easily seen,
As one life effects another,
Whom travels beyond the shore,
For behold the English farmer,
Loved within his village,
He touched his son with life,
Who then took it forth to others,
Reaching many more in music,
The many affect each other,
Along with influence of others,
And the others who lived before,
Have never really departed,
Though entropy’s illusion,
Will hide their faces from us,
Sons touched by grandfathers,
Daughters with their mothers fire,
As King David felt Joseph’s heart,
Joseph feeling Adam and Eve,
Adam and Eve still feel God.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

An Instant in Forever

A day only lasts a day,
But the light keeps moving,
As it continues to shine.
Everlasting and unending,
Warmth and life sending,
Just as the life of souls,
Never parted when joined.

Time apportioned is for needs,
Organizing the tasks we make,
Understanding why things fade,
As entropy does take its place,
Yet entropy is only an image,
For all images come and go,
While truth is everlasting.

Energy continues as always,
For energy can not be destroyed,
We can not understand its source,
Though the face of love never ages,
And the Lord of Time never changes,
As we follow free will in His plan,
Understanding joy hand in hand,
As forever unfolds in beauty.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Reality's Illusion

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." - Albert Einstein

Time confounds the space of things,
And illuminates with illusion,
That nothing is for real,
As all fades into night,
Within the metronome of thunder,
And the pendulum of light.

For we pass within the light of day,
Not seeing those who were,
Walking on the same ground,
With invisible closed doors,
Picturing in terms of now,
All who were before.

Time counts footsteps in this corridor,
Raising walls between each hallway,
Not seeing all that was still is,
Blocked by the forces of entropy,
Concealing all that was from is,
And all that is to be.

We realize the scope within our minds,
And the affect upon decisions,
For all is vast without limits,
And that knowledge removes confusion,
Seeing our place in perpetuity,
Understanding reality’s illusion.