Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Living Ghost

One moment within,
One moment without,
Facing faces of life,
Greeting the faceless,
Swimming within noise,
Drowning in silence,
The screams unheard,
Have never been born,
For what is recorded,
Has never before been,
For we live in the current,
Swimming a river of lives,
And those before us,
We can never see,
Those to come after,
We can see them born,
We cannot all be seen,
Within the river at once,
As time creates a barrier,
For our minds to understand,
For though we are all here,
This un-seeable division,
Masks those not in the now,
And with one tiny slip,
You have fallen through,
The barrier on both sides,
Silence is your friend,
In a world without voice,
No faces to be found,
Except within a glimpse,
Sleeping in the night,
Seen by startled eyes,
Trembling hand reaching,
Switches on the light,
Barrier in full force,
You disappear from sight,
Appearing before another,
Who sees right through,
You try to speak,
And nothing comes,
Your silent screams,
Remain in your lungs,
Shocked from sleeping,
You arise awake,
For it was a dream,
Or could it be?
For God holds us,
Within his hand,
A balance of physics,
For look at your feet,
On what they stand,
Mostly empty space,
Subatomic particles,
Just holding hands…

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Tearing of the Mind

I heard a mutual friend ask if there was any proof of "lunacy".  It suddenly struck me today that if there was pure factual basis, than we would be speaking of rational or irrational fear.  The lack of pure factual basis is a necessity of madness, the realm where doubt and uncertainty rule over reality. 

There it is above you,
Hanging in emptiness,
Millions of tons heavy,
Suspended upon nothing,
Within the cold darkness,
Circle of glowing white,
Within the dark of life,
Glowing upon the night,
On this path blowing,
In moon light knowing,
The light sees your deeds,
Wind whispering accusations,
Rising above screams of silence,
Endless shouting in your head,
Demons born and never dead,
As the fog curls smiles,
Onto shadow faces,
While misty arms draw you,
Into unknown places,
A hand clasps your shoulder,
Extended from your reflection,
As you turn and see your eyes,
Staring into your soul,
Grinning without mercy,
Without lips to form a smile,
For were these deeds your own?
You no longer know your reason,
The voices show you pictures,
Your actions do you see?
Or are you looking at me?
Seeing into my eyes,
As I reach into your world,
With the moon extended hands,
Delicate enough to stir reality,
Within the confines of your soul,
Yet with strength to grip the waters,
Raising them into dark tides,
Rolling above your head,
Silencing your screams,
While voices whisper will,
For will holds onto voices,
Of those who are beside you,
As God placed us all near,
To strengthen and to hold,
Against the tearing of the mind.