In passing decorated cemeteries, where the living remember those loved, I began to think of what they would tell us if they could. What they would do if given another chance. Of what a lesson that is to us, about how precious life truly is. This picture is from Voyage of the Damned. The girl is named Astrid, and took a job as a waitress on a starliner to see as much of the universe as she could. The Doctor faced death to save the passengers lives. Seeing who he was and what he was doing, she sacrificed her life so he might survive. Shortly after her death, the Doctor attempted to use her biological coding saved in a transporter beam unit aboard the ship to reunite body and soul. With the machine badly damaged, he could only bring enough of her back to kiss her goodbye.
There are voices,
Many voices,
Speaking night and day,
Yet they are not heard,
As common sounds,
But whispers to the soul,
From souls that lived,
Knowing pain and joy,
Knowing tragedy and triumph,
Trying to speak to us,
Yet as if in a dream,
Their voices are not heard,
No matter how they shout,
Waving their arms before us,
We walk straight through them,
For they are remembered,
With flowers upon stones,
As we hurry through our lives,
Within a constant race,
Making the same mistakes,
As if trying to reach the finish,
Before all of the others,
Yet perhaps even God,
Would wish us to tarry,
And so beneath His shelter,
I stop so I can listen,
Beneath the swaying trees,
I close my eyes to hear,
Voices speaking of love,
As children grew and left,
Of simple times and games,
Just conversing with parents,
Reaching out to a friend,
When a loved one has hurt us,
Not to simply just let go,
For love does not know,
How to say goodbye,
And the sleepers wonder why,
When we are given much,
Why we do so little,
For each day is a gift,
For us to use and give,
And if given the chance again,
They would give all they could,
For the secret of receiving,
Is to pour one’s cup to others,
And the mystery of life,
Is loving more each day.